The best strains to grow in a small grow tent Complete Guide

Updated on May 22, 2023 by Gregory Morris

Are you looking to start a new hobby of growing your own cannabis, but not sure where to start? Don’t worry – we have THE perfect guide for you.

You can easily grow your own marijuana in a small grow tent, and learn what strains are best for it. Keep reading to find out the best strains to grow in a small grow tent!

Many cannabis enthusiasts choose to grow small plants indoors in grow tents. These efficient and affordable enclosures help maintain optimal environmental conditions for cultivating a successful crop. Despite their limited space, well-designed grow tents can allow you to cultivate lush and healthy cannabis plants.

Definition of a small grow tent

A small grow tent is an enclosed environment used by hobbyist and professional growers alike to create ideal conditions for growing plants. The tent’s walls are lined with reflective material to maximize light efficiency and multiple attached filter vents ensure that the air circulated in the tent is clean and oxygenated. Grow tents also normally come with a zipper door for easy access and support for hydroponic systems such as lighting, water pumps, airflow fans, etc.

Growers typically use grow tents when their indoor space is limited or unavailable due to cost or other factors.

Whether you are an experienced gardener looking for an efficient alternative to an outdoor garden or a novice excited by the idea of growing indoors, a small grow tent can provide you with the ideal environment to nurture your plants while taking up minimal space in your home. Suitable strains of cannabis can be grown in grow tents as small as 2’ x 2’ per square meter, which makes them ideal for smaller indoor spaces such as apartments and closets.

Importance of choosing the right strain for a small grow tent

When growing cannabis indoors, strain selection is a major factor in the success of your harvest. Because space is limited in smaller grow tents, it is important to choose the right strains that fit these constraints. In this section, we will discuss why selecting the right strain can make or break your grow and which are the best strains for growing in small grow tents.

You need to assess the effects of heat and light on the plants when selecting strains for cramped quarters. Indoor microbial growth (like mold and mildew) is greatly increased with higher temperatures and humidity levels due to reduced air movement within a confined space. As such, it’s important to select a strain that will perform well in hot/humid conditions with minimal additional maintenance.

Sativa-dominant hybrids tend to be more resilient than their indica-dominant counterparts when grown under high humidity levels. Sativas also have an advantage over Indicas because they have lengthy periods of flowering times which typically end up between 9-11 weeks after switching from vegetative growth to flowering stages. Additionally Sativa dominant plants tend to require more daily light providing more time for optimal carbon dioxide exchange than Indica dominant plants.

Finally, a good strain selection should be based on your expected yield as well as environmental conditions within your tent system. Autoflowering varieties are often suggested as they are generally quicker in terms of flowering time compared to regular photoperiod strains — this means that you can expect larger yields while consuming lesser energy bills throughout the entire growing process!

Purpose of the guide

This guide is designed to provide you with the necessary information on what strains will be the most suitable for growing in a small grow tent. It outlines the characteristics that make certain strains more suitable, as well as how to make the most of the space and resources you have.

The aim is to help those with limited space achieve a successful harvest of high-quality cannabis. Whether you’re just getting started or are an experienced grower, this guide will provide all the information you need to get the best results possible from your small-scale indoor grow op.Top 5 Indoor Strains of 2023 - RQS Blog

Factors to consider when choosing a strain for a small grow tent

Choosing the right cannabis strain for a small grow tent can be tricky. Fortunately, there are some factors to consider and tips to ensure successful results. Below, we will explore these factors so that you can make an informed decision when selecting strains for a small grow tent.

  1. Location: First, identify your grow space’s lighting and temperature conditions prior to selecting your seeds or clones. This is important because different strains have different requirements in terms of light and heat levels during the growing phase. Determine whether you need pure sunlight or if artificial light is suitable; also bear in mind the available space in order to ensure a comfortable environment is maintained while still providing adequate access points for electrical appliances, such as humidity and temperature controllers, etc.
  2. Growing Habits: When selecting a strain for a small grow tent, it’s important to consider the unique characteristics that influence how plants develop size-wise as well as their fertility rate and yield potential. Choose strains that have short flowering times and compact growth patterns with thick stems; all of which are ideal traits for optimizing yield output within compact spaces like grow tents! Also bear in mind that autoflowering varieties are often better suited where space is limited since they require less time before harvesting compared to traditional photoperiod varieties which often take anywhere from 8-11 weeks of flowering before being considered ready for harvest. Lastly, some species reach their maximum potential quicker than others – Sativa prominently takes longer than Indica meaning it may not be suitable for smaller growing areas!
  3. Final Product: Quality buds shouldn’t be compromised even with limited space – determine what kind of end product you desire from your cultivation efforts by consulting reviews on strain effects or conducting further research into what kind of genetics best suit your desired outcome/purpose; from medical/therapeutic indications such as pain management or mood enhancement, recreational relaxation sceneriosetc…Know what you want so that selecting seeds/clones tailored specifically towards those needs isn’t a difficult task!

Size and growth pattern

Growing cannabis from a tent is an increasingly popular method for cultivating marijuana indoors, as it gives you control over every aspect of the grow environment. However, if you are going to be growing in a small tent, there are some strains that may be better suited for your setup.

When deciding which strain of cannabis to grow in a small grow tent, it is important to take into account the size of your growing area and the plant’s growth pattern. This includes how quickly it grows, how large its leaves and branches will get, and what type of nutrients and light intensity will be needed. Additionally, some cannabis plants have specific temperature tolerances that need to be considered before planting them in a grow tent.

By choosing carefully and researching each potential strain prior to planting it in your tent, you can ensure a successful crop with minimal failure.

Yield and potency

The yield and potency of the plants you can grow in a small tent are best determined based on the strain you select. Different strains have different growing tendencies, including their flowering time and potential harvest size. Some strains are more suitable for smaller tents as they require less vertical space and have a shorter flowering time frame, resulting in more harvests per season. Typically, indica-dominant varieties are more recommended for small-scale growers due to their compact stature, short flowering period and good yields.

When shopping for your seed or clone supplier, do some research to make sure they sell high-quality marijuana genetics with reliable THC levels. This way you can make sure you’re getting maximum yield that is also potent. Consider genetic stability to ensure your flowers demonstrate dependable results every harvest cycle and provide repeatable results with consistent terpene profiles.

Lighting and climate requirements

Aside from selecting the right strain and germinating seeds properly, lighting and climate are the two most important components of growing cannabis.

Lighting is a crucial component of growing cannabis in small spaces, as it needs to be optimized for proper growth. Generally, LED grow lights are preferred over HID lights due to their smaller size and lower energy consumption. LEDs also produce more usable light for photosynthesis since they emit far fewer harmful infrared frequencies which can adversely affect plant growth and development. The primary benefit of LEDs is that they consume little electricity but pack a powerful punch since they contain concentrated mixtures of different wavelengths that optimize both vegetative and flowering growth phases.

The optimal temperature range for cannabis cultivation is between 72°F (22°C) and 81°F (27°C). The important thing to remember when setting up the environment inside your grow tent is to find an ideal balance between temperature control and air circulation. You want to keep temperatures consistent but not too hot as this can cause problems with excessive drying or wilting of plants as well as create an environment that may support mold or fungi growth. To maintain optimal temperatures, you’ll need air intake fans to bring fresh air into the tent while exhausting heated air through exhaust fans located on top or back walls of the tent — be sure to periodically check both intake and outtake temperatures! Additionally, humidity should remain between 40-60% at all times throughout each stage of development; be sure to use a humidifier/dehumidifier along with exhaust fans for proper airflow/temperature control if needed.

Tips for growing in a small grow tent

Growing plants in a small grow tent can be challenging, but it also has advantages. You’ll save money, space, and time by using this approach to cultivate your crops. Here are some tips for achieving success with a smaller grow tent:

  1. Choose the right seeds for your space and climate – Make sure you select seeds that don’t require too much space or have a long flowering phase. Look for varieties specifically designed for small spaces or auto-flowering strains that can finish their life cycle in weeks rather than months.
  2. Start with fewer plants – You’ll need less space to start with fewer plants and they will also require less maintenance since they’re all getting the same amount of light and care.
  3. Take advantage of vertical growing – Utilize trellises, shelves, or other forms of vertical gardening to maximize your floorspace and create more room for new plants as needed.
  4. Utilize careful pruning– Pruning can help keep your crops healthy as they take up less space while still producing quality yield over time. Don’t forget to trim away old leaves as necessary throughout the season!

5 Install an inline fan – An inline fan connected to an extraction duct is the best way to remove heat from a small grow tent without affecting the humidity levels inside it too much. This is especially important if you live in a humid climate where heat can quickly become overwhelming your seedlings even when temperatures are kept low outside the tent itself!Best Marijuana Strains for Beginner Growers | Grow Weed Easy

Choosing the right container size

When it comes to choosing a container size for your grow tent, there are several different dimensions to consider. Depending on the size of the plants you plan to grow, you may need to choose a larger or smaller container. Smaller containers are better suited for small seedlings and dwarf plants, while larger containers can hold bigger roots and give plants more room for deep root growth.

When selecting a container for your grow tent, pay close attention to how much room it takes up within the Grow Tent structure. The right size will alllow your roots to have enough space but not too much that it takes up valuable real estate. Consider all aspects of the growing system both inside and outside the tent before purchasing a pot or bucket.

For small indoor Grow Tents, it is often best to start with 5-gallon containers depending on what type of plants you want to grow. If you plan to grow larger and bushier plants like cannabis or tomatoes, then you might want to select 10-20 gallon containers instead which will support their root systems better over time. Another factor should be if multiple levels are needed in order for light penetration into lower canopy area’s of the plant and the strength of structure needed for higher weight growth such as tomatoes etc…

For Sum up: Choosing the right sized container is important when you are growing in an indoor Grow Tent; make sure that it is large enough accommodate your plant’s root structures and support its weight growth without taking up necessary space within its confines!

Proper ventilation and air circulation

For any indoor gardening or farming operation, proper ventilation and air circulation are essential for maximizing growth and yield. Even though small grow tents are designed to provide an ideal environment for growing plants, it is still important to ensure that the space is adequately ventilated. Proper ventilation will provide fresh, CO2-rich air and reduce humidity levels, reducing the risk of mold and other fungal diseases.

An exhaust fan should be installed in a small grow tent in order to:

  • Remove heat produced by HID (high intensity discharge) lighting systems like Metal Halide (MH) or High Pressure Sodium (HPS) lights
  • Keep humidity levels and carbon dioxide concentration at appropriate levels by exchanging old air with fresh air
  • Circulate and mix up the CO2 inside the grow tent
  • Remove unpleasant odors caused by unhealthy plants, excess moisture or contaminants like pesticides

Ventilation should direct humid air away from delicate parts of the system — such as wiring, controllers and ballasts — that cannot handle high moisture levels. Grow tents can be insulated to maintain temperature control when using fans or introducing fresh air from external sources. When fans are used together with airtight seals around all openings such as doors, windows and camera ports, warm temperature areas can be created for optimal growth conditions. It is also important to keep an intake fan running during night hours for minimum 6 hours in order to maintain proper airflow and prevent stagnant conditions inside the grow tent.

Training techniques

Training techniques are important for growers with limited space, such as those using small grow tents. These techniques can help maximize the potential of a crop while controlling the amount of space each plant requires. The most common training techniques used by small-space growers include topping, pruning, main-lining and Screen of Green (SCROG).

Topping involves cutting off the top bud sites on young plants to limit their height and promote additional lateral growth. Pruning encourages healthier and denser plants by selectively removing dead or dying branches. Main-lining is a technique whereby two lower limbs that are connected at their base are trained horizontally in opposite directions over a screen or trellis frame to create a ‘main line’ from which further growth can be trained. Screen Of Green (SCROG) is a technique where trellises are used to evenly spread out plant growth for maximum light penetration; unused foliage is then removed for better air circulation and resistance management purposes.

Whenever possible, try combining multiple training techniques for optimal results in your grow tent.Which cannabis strains stay short? (Best strains for small spaces) | Grow Weed Easy


In conclusion, growing plants in a small grow tent can be successful if proper considerations and precautions are taken. There are multiple advantages of using a small grow tent, including the flexibility and portability it affords the grower.

When selecting the best strains to grow in a small grow tent, one must consider several factors such as the size of the tent, strain preferences, environmental factors and nutrient requirements. Ultimately, choosing a suitable strain based on these considerations will result in successful cultivation in a small space.

With careful planning and maintenance, one can produce high-yielding crops within a short period of time with minimal efforts.

What strains grow best in 2×2 tent?

Strains that have a compact structure and don’t grow too tall are ideal for a 2×2 tent. Some good strains to consider for this type of setup are Northern Lights, White Widow, and Blueberry.

What is the strongest strain to grow?

The strongest strain can vary based on individual preferences and tolerance levels. However, some popular high-THC strains include Gorilla Glue #4, Girl Scout Cookies, and OG Kush.

Can you mix strains in a grow tent?

Yes, you can mix strains in a grow tent. However, it’s important to keep in mind that different strains may have different growth rates and requirements, so you’ll need to adjust your growing strategy accordingly.

What is the fastest growing sativa?

Some of the fastest-growing sativa strains include Jack Herer, Durban Poison, and Sour Diesel.

What strain yields the most buds?

Some high-yielding strains include Big Bud, Critical Kush, and Super Skunk.

How many Autoflowers can you put in a 2×2 tent?

You can put one to four autoflowers in a 2×2 tent, depending on their size and growth characteristics.

What strains take the longest to grow?

Some strains that take a long time to grow include Haze, Thai, and some landrace strains.

How do I maximize my grow tent?

To maximize your grow tent, you should ensure that your plants have adequate space, light, and nutrients. You can also implement techniques like topping, pruning, and training to encourage bushier growth and increase yields.

How do I get more CO2 in my grow tent?

You can increase CO2 levels in your grow tent by adding a CO2 generator, using bottled CO2, or increasing airflow to bring in more CO2 from the surrounding environment.

What is the best sativa to grow in a tent?

Some good sativa strains to grow in a tent include Strawberry Cough, Green Crack, and Amnesia Haze.

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